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Lost track of your pensions

                 Book a FREE No Obligation Consultation with an FCA
          {Financial Conduct Authority} Authorised Pension Advisor.

There is an estimated £20 billion in lost pensions floating around waiting to be claimed according to impartial financial advisors. Over the decades, it is easy to lose track of your pension, especially if you regularly change employers or have been enrolled in more than one plan.

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Trace your pensions today 

  Book a FREE No Obligation Consultation with an FCA {Financial Conduct Authority} Authorised Pension Advisor.
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Speak To A FCA Regulated Pension Adviser About Combining Your Pension Into One Plan 

Combine all your pensions into one easy to manage plan 

Pension Tracing Experts 

Welcomes visitors to trace their pensions and connect with UK regulated financial advisers for honest reliable pension tracing and advice.

Pension Tracing Experts is a free service that connects you to a local Financial Advisor that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The content on this website is for information only. We accept no liability for advice provided by third parties.

​ is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office Registration Number ZB272265

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